Mejhoul International Network

By Khalifa International Award for Date Palm and Agricultural Innovation

Mejhoul International Network

By Khalifa International Award for Date Palm and Agricultural Innovation

Mejhoul International Network

By Khalifa International Award for Date Palm and Agricultural Innovation

Mejhoul International Network

By Khalifa International Award for Date Palm and Agricultural Innovation


About MIN


Given the absence of accurate and official data on world Mejhoul production, global marketing as well as the lack of common commercial standards, the idea of forming the Mejhoul International Network (MIN) came to light, to ensure that Mejhoul date producing countries are:

  • Aware of the challenges facing the cultivation and production of the Mejhoul cultivar,
  • Conscious of the economic and social importance of Mejhoul cultivation in many countries around the world,
  • Sensible to the negative impact of the anarchic extension of the Mejhoul cultivar plantations on the trade and commerce of Mejhoul dates in the international market,
  • Convinced that the role of the respective concerned countries will be enhanced through effective coordinated policy, in relation to international date markets, and to exchange information on different aspects related to Mejhoul cultivar production and trade between them,
  • Have decided to coordinate their efforts in the pursuit of their common objectives and hereby create the Mejhoul International Network (MIN), under the terms of this constitution.

Total Registrations from 15 Countries

Mejhoul Book

In three languages:

Objectives of Mejhoul
International Network

Collection and dissemination

Collection and dissemination of information on Mejhoul cultivation technical practices, production, and marketing;

Gather and publish precise statistics

Gather and publish precise statistics on Mejhoul production and international marketing;

Promote collaboration

Promote collaboration among Mejhoul producing countries, through the organization of international meetings, trainings, and visits, aiming at exchanging expertise and information among the Network’s members;

Develop common Mejhoul marketing standards

Develop common Mejhoul marketing standards as part of an overall quality system for the marketing of Mejhoul dates, locally, regionally and internationally;

Promote Mejhoul consumption

Promote Mejhoul consumption through the organization of media campaigns regionally and internationally;

Promote the common problems’ analysis

Promote the common problems’ analysis, study and search for solutions, particularly through the elaboration of joint research and development projects.

Network Membership

The Network shall be open to the following potential members:

Network members

Network members dealing with Mejhoul cultivation, production, marketing and processing;

National institutions

National institutions (public or private), producers’ associations, as well as existing regional and international networks;

Agricultural universities and research institutions

Agricultural universities and research institutions

Coordinating Board

The Network will be guided by a coordinating board which will be chaired by the Network’s Coordinator, and will be made up of 4 members, representing the main Mejhoul producing regions. The coordinating board will meet yearly, to set the Network’s activities for the following year, as well as publishing the Mejhoul production and marketing gathered information.

Main duties of the Coordinating Board:

  • Facilitate adaptation of the Network’s working arrangement, to meet member requirements and to ensure sufficiency of operations;
  • Plan and coordinate initiation and implementation of all research development projects, trainings, workshops, and conferences, etc.;
  • Liaise with Mejhoul producing countries focal points, to gather information about Mejhoul cultivation, production and marketing;
  • Review and approval of the annual budget as well as the work programs.

Network Coordinator

  • Disseminates information among Network’s members;
  • Elaboration of project proposals aiming to answer questions of global concern. Selected projects will be submitted to potential funding agencies and / or donors;
  • Arrange for the convening of the Network’s meetings;
  • Assist in planning and organizing training activities;
  • Stimulate cooperation among members to elaborate strategies aiming at achieving the Network’s objectives;
  • Conduct Network’s administrative tasks.

Country Focal Point

The Network will operate with country focal points designated among the representatives of the Mejhoul producing countries.

The country focal point shall conduct the following duties:

  • Promote the Network activities within the assigned country;
  • Liaise with concerned authorities at the assigned country to gather information about Mejhoul cultivation, production and marketing;
  • Contribute to the Network activities’ planning, based on priorities of assigned country;
  • Participate in the implementation of the Network’s activities within the assigned country (trainings, workshops, conferences, etc.).


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